Michael Kristof

Founder and Attorney

Hello. Thank you for considering Kristof Law Group.

If someone would have told me back in 1997 when I graduated from law school that I would be a Plaintiff’s personal injury attorney I probably would have laughed at them.

Even back then we all knew, or thought we knew, the reputation of “that kind of lawyer.” Bottom of the barrel, anything for a buck, take every case, churn and burn cases to get them settled and out the door as fast as possible, not “real” lawyers.

It’s funny where life leads us though. Representing folks injured by the carelessness of others has been without question the most rewarding aspect of my 25-year career as an attorney.

Helping people who are facing an opponent (the insurance companies) who have unlimited resources, being able to level the playing field to make sure my clients aren’t taken advantage of, helping them get to the resources they need to get better is an honor for my team and I.

At Kristof Law Group we aren’t a mill. We don’t advertise. We don’t take every case that comes through our door. We will give you an honest assessment of your case – the good and the bad.

We won’t ship you off to another law firm because your attorney didn’t settle your case and we have to go to court.

You have a lot of choices when it comes to picking a personal injury attorney. If you have read this far, I hope you are willing to give us a call and see if we can help you.
