It is hard to believe that 2023 is coming to a close. The years seem to go by faster and faster with each passing turn around the sun. I would like to think that the old adage applies “time flies when you are having fun” and that is why this year has flown by so quickly.

It has been a great year. We have helped so many hard working, caring people obtain some semblance of justice this year. I say some semblance because in what we do, there is never full justice. Nobody would trade their health for money. All we can do is try and make the bad situation better by making sure they get proper treatment and that it is paid for by the insurance company. And, also by making sure they are reimbursed for what was taken from the- their health.

For me, the highlight of the years is that we have been able to help our community outside of representing Nevadans who have been hurt and injured. This year, our office provided scholarships to three amazing high school students. We are honored to have been able to help these young men and women on their continued education efforts. In addition, we formally partnered with the Clark County School District to help teachers in the classroom by providing stipends so that they can use to help further their students educational journey. Our teachers work so hard and, quite frankly, are generally underappreciated for what they do. Being the son and grandson of teacher, and knowing a number of CCSD teachers whom are close friends I am well aware of the struggles they face. We are proud to offer them our support and look forward to doing so again in 2024.

My hope is that we can continue to help our community as we grow. In 2024, we will be implementing a program where clients will be able to choose from a list of charities and once their case settles, Kristof Law Group will donate a portion of our fee to that charity. We are still in the initial discussion stages of how this will take shape, but we are excited about it!

I am proud of the work we have done. I am excited about the work we will do. Thank you to all of you who have trusted us to help you with you case. We are sincerely honored. If you are reading this I hope you never need us (or need us again) but if you do, we are here to help. Thank you and have a wonderful holiday season and upcoming new year.